Leave your wrinkles behind with TempSure Envi Skin Tightening.

No surgery, no needles, no downtime.

Fill out the form below to request a Free, no obligation consultation
or call 403-266-4535 today!

Financing available. Ask us for more details.

TempSure Envi Skin Tightening Calgary

What is TempSure Envi?

TempSure Envi is a simpler way to maintain beautiful skin!
This gentle radiofrequency treatment is safe for all skin types and levels of sun exposure, so it fits perfectly into any beauty maintenance routine, any time of year.

All of our clients report the treatment to be pain-free, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your TempSure Envi treatment.

How it Works

As our bodies age, they lose the ability to quickly generate collagen.
This leads to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines, as collagen helps to make our skin elastic.
By delivering radiofrequency to gently heat your skin, TempSure increases your skin’s temperature for a defined amount of time.
This heat triggers the body’s natural reaction to produce new collagen.*
These new collagen fibers are tighter and more dense, leaving you with radiant, youthful skin.

TempSure Skin Tightening – What to Expect

When you come in for your consultation at The Relaxing Wellness Company, we will discuss your aesthetic goals and create a custom treatment plan for you.

During a face-only treatment, you will experience a gentle warming sensation around the target area(s).

During a body-only treatment, you will experience a gentle warming and massage sensation around the target area(s).

After the treatment, there is usually only a slight amount of redness on the skin, which quickly subsides. Immediately following your treatment, you will be able to return to your daily activities. That’s right, there is zero downtime.

Sculpsure Consultation

TempSure Envi at The Relaxing Wellness Company

The Relaxing Wellness Company in Calgary is your answer to whole body wellness.

Our team of certified therapists is here to make you feel comfortable and safe throughout the whole TempSure treatments process in a warm welcoming environment of our studio.

Our goal is to make you look and feel your best naturally.