Relaxation Massage
Let go of any stress or tension in your body with a gentle relaxation massage. Relaxation massages stimulate your body’s own healing response through gentle pressure.
A relaxation massage is beneficial if you are experiencing stress, soft tissue injuries, or issues with your Range of Motion. This gentle massage will help your body let go of anxieties, promote flexibility, and stimulate repair in areas of injury.
You’ll want to arrive hydrated for your massage.
We will customize your massage experience to help you reach your deepest state of relaxation. Let us know how we can help you unwind by telling us what type of music you prefer, how much pressure to use and whether you prefer conversation or not.

Benefits of Relaxation Massage:
- Reduces stress
- Reduces pain
- Improves sleep
- Detoxifies the body
- Increases Range of Motion
Conditions Treated:
- Stress and anxiety
- Range of Motion issues
- Persistent pain
Suggested Products:
- Detox foot patches
- Organic lavender oil
- Organic bath bomb
- Treatment Time
60 minutes
- Downtime
- Sessions Recommended
3 to 6
- Discomfort Level
None to Mild